Biyernes, Oktubre 12, 2012

Journey in the CyberWorld!!!

The internet is a famous and a wondrous place. as we define, internet is a computer-based global information system. it is composed of many interconnected computer networks. It is also made people possible to communicate all over the world effectively and inexpensively(Encarta Encyclopedia).

Nowadays, internet is very popular in every places. it is the main reason to communicate. But there disadvantages of this. The users abused this wonderful invention. Many dignity have been destroy.

Then, the bad hackers goes out to their shell. HACKERS-a person totally engrossed in computer programming and computer technology. They used their skills in a bad ways. Destroying others reputation, they secretively invades other computer and tampering with the programs or data stored on them. 

In the internet we can see different  sex scandals post in it. There are also Online Defamation with which is damaging the reputation of another by means of false and injurious communication that expose the person to contempt, ridicule, hatred or social ostracism.

This disadvantages of the internet push the government to make a law " the cyber crime law" or the  Republic Act 10175. This article  aims to fight online pornography, hacking, identity theft and spamming following local law enforcement agencies' complaints over the lack of legal tools to combat cyber crime. 

Also Filipinos are against this law. It is because some good users and hackers will be affected or many people who have good intention in using internet like blogging and make comment to others possibly go to jail if the authority mis understood them.

We have the freedom to express whats on our mind, whats our feelings. But the important is we need to be responsible in every word we utter or post. Be careful not to hurt others feelings and destroy others life. So think  a thousand times before clicking the magic button, the key to enter in the CYBER WORLD!!!

Make your Own Journey in the Cyber World!!!

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